D52.2 Recommendations for impact

Based on the results from the environmental LCA, the economic LCC, the enabling and constraining factors for a successful technology implementation and Unique Selling Propositions, recommendations for the actual implementation of the technologies studied in WA1-4 were developed. This goal builds upon a synthesis of the efforts from the other work packages in WA5 and is tightly linked to the WA1-4 of the DEMEAU project through case studies. Therefore, clear responsibilities within WA5 for the coordination with other work areas had been established from the onset of the DEMEAU project. Stakeholder workshops and/or interviews were conducted for the selected case studies of WA1-4 in order to (i) present preliminary results from LCA, LCC and drivers and barriers analyses and to (ii) take these results as starting points for interactive discussions to confront the various perspectives on existing drivers and barriers with each other and translate them together into recommendations for successful implementation. Workshops were organized with WA1 (Barcelona, Spain, 2 October 2014), WA2 (Rötgen, Germany, 11 June 2015) and WA4 (Nieuwegein, the Netherlands, July 2015), while interviews were conducted with WA3 (June 2015). The following activities were conducted during workshops: After an interactive presentation of findings from drivers and barriers analyses, where workshop participants could indicate their agreement and disagreement with individual statements, various stakeholder groups (depending on attendance: researchers, water operators, and administrators and water agencies) were asked to brainstorm about implementation barriers, ways to overcome such barriers and expectations from the other groups. This was an effective first step towards the joint efforts required for the implementation process DEMEAU is aiming for and at the same time contributed to formulating recommendations for market impact. When possible, these activities were linked to utility events organized by Ecologic with respective WA leaders, therewith taking the opportunity to interact with different stakeholder groups.


Date of delivery: 

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Document type: 

  • Report

Technology Group: 

  • LCA

Target group: 

  • Policy
  • Technology

Work Package: 

  • WP5.2

Result type: