
In tailored workshops the project partners work at overcoming barriers identified in the DEMEAU Work Package 5.2 and generating solutions for the market deployment of the technologies.

Managed Aquifer Recharge to Encounter Emerging Pollutants

On October 2 2014, a DEMEAU utility event took place at the premises of Aigües de Barcelona. It was the first utility event that combined the presentation of research and implementation of Managed Aquifer Recharge with an interactive workshop contributing to work in DEMEAU’s Work Area 5 on Life Cycle Analysis and Life Cycle Costing.

Immersion Strategy and Applied Innovation

The Catalan Water Partnership aims to enhance the strategical reflexion with all stakeholders in the water sector in Catalunya and wants to foster the further internationalisation and innovation of the sector. DEMEAU will be presented by Ester Vilanova who will talk about the results that have been achieved and that are yet to come.

Den Prozess im Griff!? Zukunftweisend mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen und Membranfiltration in der Wasseraufbereitung

***English version below***

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DEMEAU: Demonstration von Technologien zur Behandlung neuer Schadstoffe in der Wasser- und Abwasserreinigung organisierte den sechsten in der Reihe der Utility-Event in Roetgen, nahe Aachen am 11. Juni 2015. Teilnehmende waren Wissenschaftler, Anwender des Wassersektors und Experten auf dem Gebiet der Automatic Neural Net Control System (ANCS) und Membranfiltration.

Effect-Based Monitoring Techniques: Novel Bioanalytical Tools for Water Quality Safeguard

The EU-funded project DEMEAU: Demonstration of promising technologies to address emerging pollutants in water and waste water held the third of its series of Utility Events in Paris, France on 29 January, 2015. In attendance were a diverse group of scientists, end users (including utility operators), and experts in the field of environmental chemistry and ecotoxicology.

Managed Aquifer Recharge in Europe – Challenge or Opportunity for the Environment?

On December 5, 2013, the first DEMEAU utility event in combination with a workshop was held at Berliner Wasserbetriebe (BWB) in Berlin Tegel. Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) through bank filtration or pond infiltration has a long tradition in Berlin. The city has been producing its drinking water since more than 150 years through bank filtration. Against the background of global changes, aquifer storage has become relevant in other contexts as well, like preventing sea-water intrusion or sustaining groundwater levels.

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