Life Cycle Assessment

Immersion Strategy and Applied Innovation

The Catalan Water Partnership aims to enhance the strategical reflexion with all stakeholders in the water sector in Catalunya and wants to foster the further internationalisation and innovation of the sector. DEMEAU will be presented by Ester Vilanova who will talk about the results that have been achieved and that are yet to come.

Application areas, Stakeholders and Implementation Barriers of DEMEAU Technologies

WA5 aims to ensure that the principles of sustainability guide the market uptake and implementation of DEMEAU’s water technologies targeting micropollutants. One year into the project, WA5 has achieved the first milestones and identified an initial set of case studies to be carried out in close collaboration with other work areas of the DEMEAU project. The case studies build the basis of WA5’s sustainability analysis and the resulting proposal of routes to foster market uptake.

Final Consortium Meeting With Demonstrating Large-Scale Ozonation

DEMEAU held the first in its three part series of final events in Zurich, Switzerland on June 17-18, 2015. Hosted on the premises of Eawag just outside of Zurich in Dübendorf, attendees engaged in collaborative knowledge exchange and discussions on the final research results, conclusions and contributions of the project. The two day event brought together the expertise of the whole project consortium, where the work areas presented the final results of their work within the project.

Den Prozess im Griff!? Zukunftweisend mit künstlichen neuronalen Netzen und Membranfiltration in der Wasseraufbereitung

***English version below***

Das EU-finanzierte Projekt DEMEAU: Demonstration von Technologien zur Behandlung neuer Schadstoffe in der Wasser- und Abwasserreinigung organisierte den sechsten in der Reihe der Utility-Event in Roetgen, nahe Aachen am 11. Juni 2015. Teilnehmende waren Wissenschaftler, Anwender des Wassersektors und Experten auf dem Gebiet der Automatic Neural Net Control System (ANCS) und Membranfiltration.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)

The innovative technologies demonstrated in this project have been developed in cooperative public-private R&D consortia and partnerships, which require high investments and have a high uncertainty of economic success. Although integrated and participatory approaches were followed, in practice, the actual uptake is often less straightforward than originally anticipated.


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