
Selection and validation of bioassays for water quality assessment

D41.1 Selection criteria to select bioassays for implementation and use

Following intensive discussions we have established a number of selection criteria to determine whether a bioassay is applicable for the assessment of the chemical water quality. A range of projects have already focused on the - largely overlapping – assay characteristics and selection criteria for bioassays to be used in environmental monitoring (Leusch et al. 2012; OECD 2012; Agency et al. 2012).

D41.2 Establishment of trigger values and validation of bioassay panel

Surface water, groundwater, the sea or other brackish sources of drinking water production are generally exposed to a complex mixture of pollutants associated with household, industrial, and agricultural waste. Current environmental monitoring of these water bodies is based on a comparison between  concentrations  of  chemically  target  analyzed  priority  pollutants  (n=33+8)  and  their environmental threshold values.

WP4.1 Selection and validation of bioassays for water quality assessment

The objectives of this work package are:

To select and validate a minimal panel of bioassays for cost-effective and comprehensive toxicity screening of water and waste water samples and compliance with current and future legislations

The following tasks (with deliverables and milestones) are planned:

T4.1.1: Selection criteria

Selection criteria for the bioassays, which will include a preliminary evaluation of performance characteristics, practical applicability, relevance and cost effectiveness, will be determined.

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