WAG Nordeifel mbH

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WAG Wassergewinnungs- und -aufbereitungsgesellschaft Nordeifel mbH


WAG Wassergewinnungs- und -aufbereitungsgesellschaft Nordeifel mbH, Am Filterwerk, 52159 Roetgen

DEMEAU Technology: 

Overview of the utility: 

WAG operates a drinking water treatment plant with one of the worldwide largest two-stage UF (7,000 m³/h). The raw water source is the Dreilägerbachtalsperre reservoir. The backwash water from the first UF stage is treated by a UF (630 m³/h) in a 2nd stage leading to a total water recovery of up to 99.3 %.

Description of current system design and key figures: 

ANCS is a data-driven approach for process control because it applies experience on the basis of evaluated data. The experience is the result of a previous training phase with the analysis of data patterns for several parameters consisting of chosen settings and their effect on the process.

DEMEAU interaction with the utility: 

Currently, the flux of the UF in the 2nd stage is a limiting factor for the total capacity of the water work. Therefore, a pilot plant with the same membranes and feed water as the full scale UF will offer the opportunity to run training for the ANCS and to validate its competence. Finally, ANCS will be applied to control the UF in the 2nd stage in a mode with suggested settings.