WP6.1 Dissemination

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The ultimate goal of dissemination is utilization.

The objectives of this work package are:

  • To ensure a successful run-time and final dissemination of project results to all relevant stakeholders
  • To facilitate the market deployment and exploitation of the technologies. This entails the choice and design of communication means, based on an understanding of the technology-specific uptake barriers and the state-of-the-art of knowledge brokerage.

Ecologic Institute leads this work package.

The following tasks (with deliverables and milestones) are planned:

T6.1.1 Dissemination strategy
A comprehensive strategy outlining all dissemination activities in the project will be designed, and the final Dissemination Strategy is expected to be ready in January 2013

T6.1.2 Associate utility events
Promotion events at the associated launching utilities will be organized, with the aim of demonstrating the water technologies to end users. The Initial series of utility events are expected to be held in February 2012

T6.1.3 Tailored workshops and activities for addressing specific barriers identified in WP5.2
These events will be aimed at generating solutions and overcoming identified barriers to the market deployment of the technologies.

T6.1.4 Promotion material

Promotion material of different forms, targeted at specific audiences will elucidate the beneficial effects of each of the four technologies. A movie for the general public will be prepared to show how the technologies address the problem of emerging pollutants.

T6.1.5 Project website
The project website presents and summarizes the most important aspects of the project. It will be updated regularly with news and will act as a repository of information. The project website have been online since November 2012, and in January 2013, a project leaflet will be published.

T6.1.6 Further dissemination activities
Ecologic Institute will organize exhibits and relevant brokerage events. A final conference will present and discuss the outcomes of the project and evaluate the effectiveness of the project in demonstrating and creating uptake of the technologies. The final dissemination report will be available September 2015.


To download the deliverables that are already completed, please see the results section.

Work Package: