
Addressing and overcoming market barriers

D52.2 Recommendations for impact

Based on the results from the environmental LCA, the economic LCC, the enabling and constraining factors for a successful technology implementation and Unique Selling Propositions, recommendations for the actual implementation of the technologies studied in WA1-4 were developed. This goal builds upon a synthesis of the efforts from the other work packages in WA5 and is tightly linked to the WA1-4 of the DEMEAU project through case studies. Therefore, clear responsibilities within WA5 for the coordination with other work areas had been established from the onset of the DEMEAU project.

D52.1 Drivers and barriers for successful implementation of innovative DEMEAU technologies

This deliverable presents a multi-stakeholder assessment of implementation drivers and barriers throughout various subsequent stages of the innovation cycle. Enabling factors (drivers) and constraining factors (barriers) for the implementation of the four innovative DEMEAU technologies that form the core of Work Areas 1 to 4 are identified at four different analytical levels (contextual, inter-organizational, intra-organizational and individual level) from the perspectives of various stakeholders that are involved in six selected case studies.

WP5.2 Addressing and overcoming market barriers

The objectives of this work package are:

  • To foster the implementation of the promising new water technologies identified in WA1-4
  • To assure a swift uptake and achieve high implementation rates for these new technologies, thereby maximizing their impact in the market

The following tasks (with deliverables and milestones) are planned:

T5.2.1: Enabling and constraining factors for a successful technology implementation

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