
Demonstration of up-scaling, controlling, and validation of advanced oxidative technologies

Effects of UV/H2O2 process conditions on Ames fluctuation assay response

Extended abstract for the World Congress of the International UV Association on September 22-26 in Las Vegas, USA. The abstract was prepared by C.H.M. Hofman-Caris, D.J.H. Harmsen, B.A. Wols, E.F. Beerendonk, L.M. Puijker, L.L.M. Keltjens. C.H.M. Hofman-Caris presented the results at the conference.

WP3.1 Demonstration of up-scaling, controlling, and validation of advanced oxidative technologies

The objectives of this work package are:

  • To up-scale, control and validate oxidation technologies through testing and scientific support in full-scale for drinking water and for wastewater in combination with different post-treatment technologies
  • To provide solutions which guarantee energy efficiency, robust controlling, good disinfection, efficient transformation of micropollutants, optimal mitigation of TPs and minimal formation OBPs.

The following tasks (with deliverables and milestones) are planned:

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